EmpoweRanch Internships


applications for 2024 interns now available!

If EmpoweRanch sounds like the ideal place to learn and grow as a future professional in your current field of study, contact JessiV@EmpoweRanch.org with your interest and info about your academic program/internship details. Our recreational therapy internship program has a competitive application process, and we recommend that you begin your inquiry at least three months prior to your intended start date.

Our interns play an integral, key role in our team and programs, and they are immersed in a wide variety of unique and valuable learning experiences. Internships involve administrative work just as much as they involve physically and emotionally demanding outdoor work at the ranch. That being said, the opportunities you earn through your endeavors in an EmpoweRanch internship can propel your growth toward becoming a professional in your field.

As our veterans often say, you get out of it what you put in, and then some. Ready for the adventure? Click the “Apply Here” button to find out more!



✔️ Gain knowledge, skills, experience, abilities, and personal & professional growth

✔️ Make a positive impact on the lives of deserving people while making authentic connections with your team and those you serve

✔️ Work outdoors and around animals, learning all sorts of new things and making new animal friends